Living Web Browser

The LivingWebBrowser is a Web Browser displays the data on the Web as abstract shape. You can input any URL, and the LivingWebBrowser analyze the HTML data and translate to abstract shape. The shapes are placed according to the movement of mouse. You can see two kinds of shapes, one is a link that has red border, and another is a text. You can jump to next page by clicking the link shape.

Please see the movie file at the venue.
at the venue (320x240, qt, 25MB)
mpeg movie (320x240, mpeg, 42MB) hires (109MB)

photo from the venue (jpeg)
screen images (gif)


Q. What is this?

A. This is the Living Web Browser.  This is a kind of another
representation of Web browser.  Each one shape (rectangle, circle,
line or etc..) is a representation of HTML data.  You can explore
the WWW by using this Living Web Browser.
Q. What is the meaning of this work?

A. At the first, it's a network art.
Usually, network art means a work that is using network.
But this is different from it.
What I mean about network art is
changing the existence of network itself to an art work.

This work is something about reconstruction of the WWW.
At the first, what is the WWW?  Do you know?  Please imagine.

Everybody knows about WWW, and everybody's using the WWW.
But only a a few people recognize the real meaning of the WWW.

Tim Bernerse-Lee designed the WWW 12 years ago.
At the first, he designed the WWW as a collaborative desgin environment.
The WWW is not only a browsing tool, but also writing tool.
The WWW means the exchange of the idea of each person each other.
To browse the Web and to write a web,
these two actions are same meaning, in the first concept.
(Please read the book "Weaving the Web" by Tim Bernerse-Lee.)

But something was wrong in the history of the WWW.
To write a web and to browse the Web, become two separated actions.
And the person who write a web and the person who browser the web
are also divided.

At the first, I tried to reconstruct the Web by this meaning.
Browsing the Web is not only a static passive action.
Browsing the Web is also a dynamic active creation.

By this meaning, what WWW mean is the representation of your life.
The WWW represent not only your knowledge, but yourself.
In this situation, Web browser becomes the equal existence of yourself.
Yes, what I mean Web browser is yourself.

Since the WWW starts from sharing of paper, 
the HTML starts as a representation of a paper.
This first concept of the HTML still remains in this present time.

This concept influences all of Web pages.
Some person say like all Web page should be logical like a paper.
Because HTML start from the representation of a paper.
In this meaning, all of the Web pages are representations of paper.

But I think this is wrong.
Not all web page should be representation of paper.
Web page can be intuitive.
Web page can be a representation of sensitiveness.

So I imagined a parallel world.
In the world, the WWW system start from the representation of the
poems of Mallarme or a picture of Kandinsky.
My work, Living Web Browser, is not a mutant of current Web browser.
It is a parallel evolution of Web browser.

technical document

If you enter a URL, the LivingWebBrowser downloads the data from the URL. Then it recognizes the data is a HTML or not. If the data was a HTML data, it resolves the HTML data as a chunk of tag data. Then it calculates the statistics of the number of the tag data. Then it classifies the HTML data to some categories by trend of the statistics of the tag data.

I made the classification from studies of the statistics of current HTML data. At the first I download almost 5,000 web pages from my own URL list. Then calculate the statistics of the Web pages. I looked into the statistics and see the differences of each Web page from the difference of usage of tag.

The classification is loosely depending on the history of the development of HTML tag usage. For example, it uses relatively new tag, such as object or script, then it classified as flashy visualization.

I choose these for major divisions. There are some minor divisions in each major division.

  • flash, java page -> gradations
  • table page -> rectangles
  • image page -> circles
  • list page -> lines

And I also made another classification for No-HTML page (PDF, etc.) and Not Found pages.

Many company web pages are heavily using table tag. So the company pages tend to be classified as the table page (rectangles). Personal pages are tend to be classified the other categories. In this classification, you can see such kinds of differences.